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play cards

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Play cards describe the movements and outcomes of a team either advancing the ball (offense) or preventing the advancement of the ball (defense). One play card is selected from your playbook deck and placed face down in your play card panel area during your set phase.


The positive or negative numbers on a play card represent the base values of the play. Positive numbers apply to the offense’s value of the play while negative numbers apply to the defense’s value.


The number located in the top left corner of the play card tells how far a team will advance if the play is successful. A crossed out ball symbol there instead indicates that the play is dead in favor of the defense. (see success results)


The number located in the top right corner of the card is the Momentum reward. This is the amount of momentum a team gets in their favor if their play is successful.


Play cards are discarded and put into a coach’s locker pile after the play is concluded.


All play cards in Stadium belong to either offense or defense playbooks, which are sub-decks placed outside the game board.  


Which playbook and set formation a card belongs to, is indicated on both sides of the card. On the back-side this is represented by peep windows located at the bottom and top of the card. All cards with the text appearing in green belong to the offense. All cards with the text appearing in red belong to the defense.


There are no peep windows on the face-side of a card. Instead, which playbook and set formation a card belongs to, is indicated in the info bar located below the cards name.


Any final success stat number resulting in a zero or positive number rewards the offense with their play card’s details. Any negative number rewards the defense with their play card’s details.


The number indicated in the top left corner of an offense play card represents how many zones the ball marker is moved. A dead ball icon in the top left corner of a defense play card indicates the play ends with no zones gained or lost. The number located in the top right corner of either play cards show how much momentum is rewarded to a team for their success. 


Success bonus results (or S.B.R.’s) are located in the bottom half of play cards. These are additional rewards for going above and beyond the number needed for a successful play. If a coach’s final success number is equal to or better than the indicated stat number needed, he or she receives the detailed bonus.


Note: The over thrown rule does not apply to S.B.R’s unless specifically stated on the card itself.

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