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Ch 3: The Game Board
Ch 4: Reading Cards
Ch 5: Phases of The Game
Ch 6: Game Play
Ch 7: Success Results
Ch 8: Scoring
Ch 9: Winning

the game board


Momentum is the driving force and main resource in the game. Momentum points can be spent to activate player abilities, change the Stadium’s conditions or purchase unique and rare items from expanded in game markets.  


Momentum points can be earned in different ways. By making successful plays, a coach receives the amount of momentum indicated in the top right corner of your

play card.


Constant "Rally" cards can also reward a coach with continuous momentum bonuses  but depend on other card placements and specific game situations. 


At the start of the game, a counter is placed on the zero hexagon of the Momentum scale. When a coach’s team gains momentum, this counter is moved in his or her favor on the scale the amount of points rewarded. Only momentum points a coach has in his/her favor can be spent.


In Stadium the field consists of 22 zones with a cypher goal in both end zones. Zones appear as horizontal rows across the field. The offense must advance the ball by passing or running 5 zones or more during a series of 3 attempts (also referred to as downs) to receive another series of downs.


The zone needed to reach for a new set of downs is where the first down marker is placed. Once this marker is reached, it is moved five zones away from where the ball move ended.

The goal lines are the last yellow lines on both ends of the field. The areas pass these lines are the end zones. A team’s scores when the ball crosses the goal lines into the opposing team’s end zone (see scoring).


Both coaches are responsible for keeping track of which down it is. However, it’s a bit more important for the defense to pay close attention to keeping downs hence they are the one looking for a turnover.


To keep track of which down it is, a coach simply moves the ball marker laterally to the next field column.

Anchor 2


In the picture to the left the offense starts the drive 


Coaches start off the game with two timeouts. Each coach is responsible for keeping track of their own timeouts. To do this, a coach simply slides the ring counter to its appropriate number of timeouts left.

When a timeout is called, both coaches may return their play cards and any face down cards in play back to their hand or playbooks. However be careful!  A penalty can still be called if a coach is caught holding more than five cards in hand at any time. (See Penalties)

The coach that called the timeout may now shuffle any number of cards from his/her hand back into the pull deck. The other coach can use this timeout as well but must shuffle the same amount of cards back to his/ her pull deck.  They both may now draw new cards in the amount needed to make five in hand.


NOTE: Timeouts cannot be called by the defense during a hike phase.

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